A method of sterilizing cats without surgery has been developed

A method of sterilizing cats without surgery has been developed by American molecular biologists.

The method involves gene therapy, which suppresses the reproductive organs of domestic cats. This new approach would eliminate the need for painful surgical sterilization and subsequent side effects such as weight gain and hormonal cycle imbalances.

"We have found that increasing the levels of the AMH hormone in a female's body can suppress the growth of follicles in her ovaries. This prevents the animals from conceiving offspring. A single injection of our gene therapy forces the muscles in cats to produce the AMH hormone and constantly maintain its concentration, which is hundreds of times higher than normal," explained David Pepin, co-author of the study.

The AMH hormone manages the formation of reproductive organs in mammalian embryos and suppresses the activity of ovarian glands in women during menopause. Currently, the substance is used to safeguard the genitals of female patients undergoing chemotherapy.