Swedish scientists have replaced chlorine in tap water with harmless predatory bacteria


Swedish scientists have replaced chlorine in tap water with harmless predatory bacteria. It turned out that they purify the liquid no worse than the chemical. Therefore, microorganisms can become an alternative to chlorine in communal services, Phys.org writes.

Bdellovibrio bacteria
Bdellovibrio bacteria

The experiment lasted six months. Samples showed: without chlorine, Bdellovibrio bacteria multiplied in the water and ate other microbes in a few months. Combined with the addition of small filters, this method of purifying water makes chlorination unnecessary.

"Chlorine effectively inhibits the growth of bacteria, but there is a risk of the negative effects of its by-products on health. Chlorine is associated with cancer and fetal damage during pregnancy, so researching the possibility of replacing it with other alternatives is relevant," said co-author of the study Catherine Paul.

Alternative methods of water purification exist today: ultraviolet lamps and biofilters. But the former use too much energy, and the latter are expensive and bulky.