A unique palm tree was discovered in Borneo, which blooms and bears fruit underground

A unique palm tree was discovered in Borneo, which blooms and bears fruit underground

Botanists discovered a new palm species on the island of Borneo called Pinanga subterranea. This palm is capable of flowering and bearing fruit underground, but it remains unclear how its flowers are pollinated.

"The underground flowering and fruiting are astounding and paradoxical. We now know that bearded pigs eat and disperse the fruits of Pinanga subterranea, but we still need to determine how its flowers are pollinated," the scientists said.

Only a very small number of plant species have evolved to flower or bear fruit underground. Prior to the discovery of this new palm, only one plant combined these two qualities - the underground orchid.

The palm was already known to local residents but went unnoticed by scientists. They believe that this case emphasizes the need for closer collaboration with indigenous communities.